Karuna teaches how to be mover and a shaker.

Learn how to harness your competitive advantage to create a point of difference in your market.

Before you can leverage your point of different in your market, you really need to know what you stand for.

To be authentic, you have to have strong values and stick to them. People respect it when you have a strong sense of identity.

There’s a common misconception in real estate that the sales shark wins. There is plenty of space for agents to be compassionate, honest, kind people with a heart for the community they serve.

Sometimes it feels safer to be like everyone else. When you conform, you don’t expose yourself to vulnerability. To harness your unique selling proposition, you have to be bold and be different.

TIP #1

People want to know you - the real you. That’s what is going to set you apart. Don’t try to be what you think people want you to be. When you focus on being yourself, people who feel aligned with you will gravitate towards you.

Once you have a strong sense of self, you can start to think about how you’re going to resonate with the clients and communities that align with your ethos. Consciously and unconsciously, you’ll start to seek out that synergy. The laws of attraction start to work in your favour. You create the advantage.

TIP #2

And then, once you’re clear on what you bring to the table, you can start to focus on amplifying your advantage. You deliver certainty and consistency by doing what you say you’re going to do.

You develop your personal brand and create exposure around your unique identity and advantage through a strategic marketing strategy.

Think about that brand you partner with, and how it is an extension of your identity. What does your company add to you? How do they enhance your brand within the brand? Do they endorse you and your value proposition in your market?

Unfortunately, a lot of agents are in it for themselves. Be in it for your clients and your community. Make it your goal to transform the perception of real estate agents, one sale at a time.

TIP #3