You may be intrinsically motivated, but success involves conscious action. Your actions reveal your true motivations. It’s time to stop contemplating your future, and to start creating it. The thing about habits is that they compound over time. Your knowledge of your market and familiarity with the process will expand, if you focus on mastering the art of listing and selling. The impact of nurturing relationships will compound too, if you connect with prospective clients, build genuine connections and foster relationships of trust. When you focus on the compounding effect of smaller, achievable habits, the evolution is organic, and the future of your dreams unfolds before your eyes.
When I first started in real estate, I made the decision to join Coronis Group, because it was future focused and forward thinking. I knew it was the right environment, with the right leadership, support and opportunities for career progression.
Tip #1: Choose your environment wisely.
I followed an ideal week, developed good habits and focused on cultivating relationships. I had blind faith in the process, believing that you create your own luck through the right actions. Irrespective of competing priorities, or the rejection I invariably faced, and even before I saw the fruits of my labour, I did not waver in my commitment to reaching my targets. Those targets focused on actions and outcomes.
100 connects per day, 1 appraisal per day.
Tip #2: Create your own luck.
Now, I empower aspiring Agents to reach their potential through powerful coaching which challenges their mindset. I encourage you to focus on the things you can control - your self belief, your resilience, your persistence.
Tip #3: Bounce back in the face of resistance.
Even the most ‘attractive’ and high performing Agents had to earn their stripes, building a profile by saturating their market, focusing on quality interactions and building a sphere of influence.
Tip #4: Remember, Rome wasn’t
built in a day.
Today, I offer mentorship programs designed to help aspiring agents. Even if you have come from humble beginnings, in real estate, the opportunities are endless and it is up to you and what you want to deliver to yourself through your own actions. I offer encouragement through real, raw conversations that explore your vulnerabilities, create self awareness, and help you to overcome barriers to reach your true potential.